Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Reason Why I Coupon.

Ever since TLC's show "Extreme Couponing" hit the airways, the couponing industry has really picked up speed. Many people start couponing only to stop in a few months simply because they cannot seem to get the crazy deals that the couponers on "Extreme Couponing" are able to get. Unfortunately, they become frustrated and quit.

 I believe that couponing is a way of life. People need to realize that couponing takes work, and a lot of it. It really is like working a part time job. You will not be an extreme couponer overnight. It will take time to learn all of the tricks of the trade. You must keep reminding yourself that you are helping build your family's stockpile and saving money all at the same time. Overtime you will be saving your family an average of about 60 - 70% on groceries. Now there will be times when you can get items for free. Occasionally you will be able to save 90 - 100 %. Of course, I am sure that there are exceptions out there in the world. Some people may pick up quickly on how to coupon, but others will take more time learning how to coupon.

I have two reasons why I love to coupon. The first reason is that I enjoy doing everything I can to help my family save money and stretch the money that we do have. Getting the best bang for your buck is something that will forever be in my brain. Not trying to sound greedy, but our family can have so much more when we coupon. If our budget is tight, we do not have to settle for buying generic brands. I can almost always find the name brands for a cheaper price if I match a coupon to the weekly ads. The second reason is that I love doing it. Couponing is so much fun for me. Every week I get excited to see what coupons at are the Sunday paper and what deal I will get.

Why do you coupon and what do you enjoy about couponing? Please leave a comment below : )
Feel free to ask me any question that you may have. I will answer to the best of my ability.

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Follow me on Twitter @young_couponer

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